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A 24/7 Gay Slave
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17 Mar 2024
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22 Oct 2017
SM Pics of the Day - Spanking!
Favorites from Spanking Central!
1. Slave being hoisted. Also like to have slave's ankle lock to a spreader bar.

4. Doggy style on bed!
5. 6 strokes of the cane, doggy style on bed.
6. Would you spank your slave in a lockeroom??
7. No escaping from the leather strap.
1. Slave being hoisted. Also like to have slave's ankle lock to a spreader bar.
2. Over the edge of bed with legs spread wide on tip toes. Hands flat on bed. Keep in position until spanking is done!

4. Doggy style on bed!

5. 6 strokes of the cane, doggy style on bed.
6. Would you spank your slave in a lockeroom??
7. No escaping from the leather strap.
Training Session - Part 3
continue from Part 2....
Master ordered me to a kneeling display position. Only difference to the standing display is that slave will kneel on its knees and head to be lowered slightly. When in position, Master had me collared with a metal chained. The chained was padlocked. Once that was done, I had to get back up and stand on display. Now, I'm transformed into a marked and collared naked slave.
Without much delay, I will be receiving my welcome spanking. This will be done over Master's knees. I had to walk over to Master and lowered myself down over Master's lap. Master proceeded to spank each of my butt cheeks 23 times a slipper. The number of times was the difference in the earlier number guess. While it did not sting as much, my ass was certainly being warmed!
"Now, go and stand display over there, boy. Turn around and face the wall for your 1st punishment."
Before that, Master explained a few more things to remember and obey. At anytime when ordered, slave will enthusiastically received any punishment given. Slave will keep in position at all times and excessive moving is strictly forbidden. For this 1st punishment, I had to take it in the hands-on-wall position. Feet apart and 3-4 steps from the wall. Both palms are to be flat on the wall with arms extended straight shoulder width apart. Ass should be prominently sticking out and keeping head down, looking down at the floor. Master decided that, for tardiness in shaving, slave will be given 3 strokes of the cane. Slave will count out each stroke loud and clear followed by thanking Master. The 1st stroke striked without warning. I promptly counted and thanked Master. The second and third stroke followed.
Master ordered me to a kneeling display position. Only difference to the standing display is that slave will kneel on its knees and head to be lowered slightly. When in position, Master had me collared with a metal chained. The chained was padlocked. Once that was done, I had to get back up and stand on display. Now, I'm transformed into a marked and collared naked slave.
Without much delay, I will be receiving my welcome spanking. This will be done over Master's knees. I had to walk over to Master and lowered myself down over Master's lap. Master proceeded to spank each of my butt cheeks 23 times a slipper. The number of times was the difference in the earlier number guess. While it did not sting as much, my ass was certainly being warmed!
"Now, go and stand display over there, boy. Turn around and face the wall for your 1st punishment."
Before that, Master explained a few more things to remember and obey. At anytime when ordered, slave will enthusiastically received any punishment given. Slave will keep in position at all times and excessive moving is strictly forbidden. For this 1st punishment, I had to take it in the hands-on-wall position. Feet apart and 3-4 steps from the wall. Both palms are to be flat on the wall with arms extended straight shoulder width apart. Ass should be prominently sticking out and keeping head down, looking down at the floor. Master decided that, for tardiness in shaving, slave will be given 3 strokes of the cane. Slave will count out each stroke loud and clear followed by thanking Master. The 1st stroke striked without warning. I promptly counted and thanked Master. The second and third stroke followed.
After thanking Master for the third stroke, Master explained that slave will maintain the position until Master releases slave from it. This is applied to all situations even when a task is completed. Master checks in on slave's condition while caressing slave's exposed asscrack all the way down to my crotch. I was being fondled while Master asked whether my ass is red hot yet. Master was careful not to rub or caress my ass cheeks to ensure I feel the sting from the earlier spanking and caning. I answered that my ass is burning slightly but still manageable. Master was pleased with my answer and validated that so far, we are just doing some warm up only.
A punishment spanking or caning will hurt a lot more. Slave will now be given 2 strokes of the cane as a taste what punishments could be during the training period. I could hear Master flex the cane a few times in the air. The first stroke striked. The sharp pain tore through my ass. Instantaneously I leaped to my toes and bended my ass slightly inside with a loud moan. Master to remind me to get back into position. Once I put my ass out again back to its position, the second stroke landed almost immediately. The pain was too much and drew some tears on my eyes.
Master ordered me to stand up immediately; close to the wall, feet wide apart and both hands clasped behind my head. Slave will now stand motionless to feel the sting on my naked ass. Master will not further punish the wilful disobedience of not keeping the caning punishment but in future, slave will expect additional punishment. I said thank you Master. Master came and caress my back. "Good boy. You can rest awhile here. You still want to be trained as a slave boy??" I responded positively.
20 Mar 2017
Scene from Spartacus Season 1 Episode 8
Stripping reinforces the authority of the owner/Master. For the sub, this is a simple action showing complete submission and obedience. Defiant slave will be whipped into submission and/or forcibly stripped or be kicked out.
Slave will be trained to strip on command both in private and public when permissible. For added humiliation, this can be done in the presence of a crowd of both male and/or female. After stripping, slave will be made to stand on display, force work outs and lastly, made to bend down, ass wide open for all to see. Slave will follow each command without hesitation.
22 Jan 2017
My Master!
The essence of what the vibe I'm looking for in a Master or dom for an inclusive 24/7 Master/slave relationship.
1. Master is aggressive, strict, rough, arrogant and needy balanced with fairness, loving care and affection. In the house not just the bedroom, Master is in-charge 100% and superior. Outside the house, we will be friends as well and only some would know the nature of our relationship.
2. Master is into this all-inclusive lifestyle but slave is expected to have its own career and can also maintain a small part of a normal life.
3. Master loves and takes pleasure in transforming the life of the slave both physically and mentally. There will be modifications to slave's behaviour and physical appearance but always for the better. Regular workouts are mandatory however fit the slave is.
4. Master is into total chastity control to ensure slave's only sexual pleasure comes from his asshole, mouth and mind only. Chastity is meant as a control and ensure slave's lost of access to his manhood. Chastity should not be a tool for long term body modification (eg; making dick smaller).
5. Outside of total chastity control, Master enjoys being in control of whether slave is allowed to get hard or not. Erection can be demanded both inside and outside of the house by Master.
6. Slave is allowed to cum only when it is earned due to good behaviour or achievement of a goal set by Master and to maintain a healthy bodily function. Master dictates whether cumming is pleasurable or otherwise for the slave.
7. Master's cum should not be wasted in any circumstances and forms part of slave's regular diet.
8. Discipline and punishment are solely corrective and to enforce authority. Rules and consequences will be defined. The punishment defined will be the minimum required. Punishment are given in full and at Master's discretion solely. Punishment can include lost of privileges. Physical punishment will be in the form of corporal punishment. Slave is expected to accept willingly all punishments and to follow any rules of the punishment. Failure to comply will result in more punishment, for example doubling the minimum required. A redden ass is not an excuse to avoid punishment.
9. Master takes pleasure in having a totally naked slave inside the house, almost constant nudity and no privacy. If needed, minimal clothing to be dictated by Master only. Master dictates slave's entire wardrobe including public and street clothes.
10. Slave's hairstyle will be clean-cut, short and professional looking. No weird colors or crazy hairstyles.
11. Slave will maintain a hairless or shaved smooth body from neck down. Exceptions can only apply to arms and legs.
12. Slave shall keep his body clean and ready for use at any time. Surprise inspection is to be expected.
13. Life in the house is not all about sex. On a non-scene day, slave will have chores to do or we could be simply enjoying life with each other. Dungeon scene day/s are announced or unannounced. There is no escaping from the dungeon.
14. Sex doesn't need to be clean but will not include blood, shit or pee. Master will demand sexual service at anytime.
15. Sex can be sensual with kissing etc when the slave as earned such privilege.
16. Master loves humiliating and exhibiting the slave. Slave would be strip of all dignity and privacy. Slave can expect humiliation and exhibition even in public/open places either done discretely or in view of others. Failure to comply to any command as related to being naked/exposure is a very serious offense.
17.Master will ensure the well being of the slave and ensures a proper diet and sleep to support the required body development.
This is a wish list. So it doesn't mean if it is not listed, I won't be interested or if it is listed, it cannot be negotiated. With this, my hope is that it brings meaningful discussion among two consenting adults.
1. Master is aggressive, strict, rough, arrogant and needy balanced with fairness, loving care and affection. In the house not just the bedroom, Master is in-charge 100% and superior. Outside the house, we will be friends as well and only some would know the nature of our relationship.
2. Master is into this all-inclusive lifestyle but slave is expected to have its own career and can also maintain a small part of a normal life.
3. Master loves and takes pleasure in transforming the life of the slave both physically and mentally. There will be modifications to slave's behaviour and physical appearance but always for the better. Regular workouts are mandatory however fit the slave is.
4. Master is into total chastity control to ensure slave's only sexual pleasure comes from his asshole, mouth and mind only. Chastity is meant as a control and ensure slave's lost of access to his manhood. Chastity should not be a tool for long term body modification (eg; making dick smaller).
5. Outside of total chastity control, Master enjoys being in control of whether slave is allowed to get hard or not. Erection can be demanded both inside and outside of the house by Master.
6. Slave is allowed to cum only when it is earned due to good behaviour or achievement of a goal set by Master and to maintain a healthy bodily function. Master dictates whether cumming is pleasurable or otherwise for the slave.
7. Master's cum should not be wasted in any circumstances and forms part of slave's regular diet.
8. Discipline and punishment are solely corrective and to enforce authority. Rules and consequences will be defined. The punishment defined will be the minimum required. Punishment are given in full and at Master's discretion solely. Punishment can include lost of privileges. Physical punishment will be in the form of corporal punishment. Slave is expected to accept willingly all punishments and to follow any rules of the punishment. Failure to comply will result in more punishment, for example doubling the minimum required. A redden ass is not an excuse to avoid punishment.
9. Master takes pleasure in having a totally naked slave inside the house, almost constant nudity and no privacy. If needed, minimal clothing to be dictated by Master only. Master dictates slave's entire wardrobe including public and street clothes.
10. Slave's hairstyle will be clean-cut, short and professional looking. No weird colors or crazy hairstyles.
11. Slave will maintain a hairless or shaved smooth body from neck down. Exceptions can only apply to arms and legs.
12. Slave shall keep his body clean and ready for use at any time. Surprise inspection is to be expected.
13. Life in the house is not all about sex. On a non-scene day, slave will have chores to do or we could be simply enjoying life with each other. Dungeon scene day/s are announced or unannounced. There is no escaping from the dungeon.
14. Sex doesn't need to be clean but will not include blood, shit or pee. Master will demand sexual service at anytime.
15. Sex can be sensual with kissing etc when the slave as earned such privilege.
16. Master loves humiliating and exhibiting the slave. Slave would be strip of all dignity and privacy. Slave can expect humiliation and exhibition even in public/open places either done discretely or in view of others. Failure to comply to any command as related to being naked/exposure is a very serious offense.
17.Master will ensure the well being of the slave and ensures a proper diet and sleep to support the required body development.
This is a wish list. So it doesn't mean if it is not listed, I won't be interested or if it is listed, it cannot be negotiated. With this, my hope is that it brings meaningful discussion among two consenting adults.
7 Dec 2016
Training Session - Part 2
Continue from Part 1....
At the comfort of Master's sitting position, Master was able to caress and stroke every inch of my expose backside, butt crack and asshole. Master repeated tease my asshole pressing his thumb firmly but not quite pushing it in. His fingers slowly trace down my ass crack all the way to my crotch and groin. With the sensual caress being relentless, my dick was getting rock hard. Master is making the slaveboy enjoy the humiliating display. Master grabs my hard cock and pulls it back while I'm told to squeeze that tight slut hole of mine. Master reminded me what will be waiting for me in this training. "Boy, you want to be a slut?" Yes Sir I answered. Master peppered with a lot of questions, brainwashing me into being a slave boy and slut boy. Master had me ask to be turned into a slut boy. I had to say 'I'm a slaveboy ready to be training', 'My slut hole is yours, Sir' and 'I'm a slaveboy hungry for cocks' etc.
Now that I have learnt the two display positions, next up was shaving. Master had me bring a chair to the bathroom for him to sit as he watched me shaved myself standing in the tub. Armpits, tits, stomach, balls, crotch and my ass to be made hairless and smooth. When I'm done, I had to stand on display for inspection. Now, I had to display myself and staring straight at the bathroom mirror essentially looking at my own display. Master was careful not to block my view as he checks and caressed every inch of my body. Not only could I feel what is going on, I could see it as it happens standing there naked and molested. When Master was done, I was ordered to the bending display. My ass was being scrutinized next. As his fingers move all over, I was shocked by a pulled of hair coming from my ass crack. I missed out on a few hairs. Parade rest, boy. Master was stern in his voice when he asked me was my ass completely smooth. I replied, "No Sir! Sorry Sir!" With that, I earned my first punishment for failing to complete the task. Master warned me to finish the shaving and be smooth or a second punishment will be given. I proceeded to shave my ass crack all over again making sure no hair is left behind. Master watched as I bend and twist myself to ensure my ass is fully shaved smooth. Once finished, I quickly got down to the bending display. This time, all was good!
I was given 5 minutes to shower, empty myself and get dry. Then I will stand in the living room for the next order. At the coffee table, I could see a few new black markers and alphabet stencils. I could imagine was going to happen next; some kind of marking on my body. Master came over with the stencils and positioned it on my chest trying to figure out the best position to mark. Master was using ballpoint pen to mark positions on my chest and my upper back. After that, I was ordered to put on the shorts from the couch. It was a pair of jeans shorts. I put it on and stand back at parade rest. Master proceeded to make more markings just above the jeans, below my navel and on my lower back. "Strip off boy" was the next command. Master had be standing naked again and had a few more markings to complete above my crotch.
Master took one of the new markers and showed it to me. These are permanent ink markers. Now, the stencil was pressed firmly on my chest, starting above my left tits. From the feel of marker outline, I could tell it was a big 'S'. Master did not go lightly with the marker as there was repeated drawing almost like painting the 'S' on my chest repeatedly. Then the next letter was the 'L'. It was followed by the letter 'A'. By that time, it dawn on me that the word 'SLAVE' is being painted on my chest.
Below the navel, looks like a long word was planned. When the first letter was drawn, I knew what the word was. It will be 'PROPERTY'. I took a long while to complete as the drawing sensation was bordering to ticklish though I was not to move and to look straight ahead. Master took a few steps to admire his artwork. I could see the evil grin on his face. 'Looks great on you boy! Makes no doubt about who you are now. Let's continue....we are not finish here yet!" Next up was another marking below 'PROPERTY'. First up was the hatch sign '#' based on the drawing movements. Master then explained that there will be a 2 digit number which I will need to guess. This guess will determine the welcome spanking which every slave the Master has trained will received. Though I was warned that a correct guess will not mean the welcome spanking is spared! I quickly blurted a number '45'. Master just smiled and showed me a number written on a paper prior. It was '68'. Master just smiled and continued with his number drawing on me. When the front was done, Master proceeded to draw the words on my back. The words 'SLAVE' and 'PROPERTY' was repeated.
When all was completed, Master made some rules regarding the markings. Slave will not attempt to scrub or remove the markings during the entire duration. Care must be taken during shower to ensure markings do not degrade. All letters and numbers must be kept dark and highly visible. Failure to follow will result in disciplinary action. By now, I'm standing on display listening to the rules while Master is relaxing at couch enjoying the nakedness of the slave property #68 on display.
At the comfort of Master's sitting position, Master was able to caress and stroke every inch of my expose backside, butt crack and asshole. Master repeated tease my asshole pressing his thumb firmly but not quite pushing it in. His fingers slowly trace down my ass crack all the way to my crotch and groin. With the sensual caress being relentless, my dick was getting rock hard. Master is making the slaveboy enjoy the humiliating display. Master grabs my hard cock and pulls it back while I'm told to squeeze that tight slut hole of mine. Master reminded me what will be waiting for me in this training. "Boy, you want to be a slut?" Yes Sir I answered. Master peppered with a lot of questions, brainwashing me into being a slave boy and slut boy. Master had me ask to be turned into a slut boy. I had to say 'I'm a slaveboy ready to be training', 'My slut hole is yours, Sir' and 'I'm a slaveboy hungry for cocks' etc.
Now that I have learnt the two display positions, next up was shaving. Master had me bring a chair to the bathroom for him to sit as he watched me shaved myself standing in the tub. Armpits, tits, stomach, balls, crotch and my ass to be made hairless and smooth. When I'm done, I had to stand on display for inspection. Now, I had to display myself and staring straight at the bathroom mirror essentially looking at my own display. Master was careful not to block my view as he checks and caressed every inch of my body. Not only could I feel what is going on, I could see it as it happens standing there naked and molested. When Master was done, I was ordered to the bending display. My ass was being scrutinized next. As his fingers move all over, I was shocked by a pulled of hair coming from my ass crack. I missed out on a few hairs. Parade rest, boy. Master was stern in his voice when he asked me was my ass completely smooth. I replied, "No Sir! Sorry Sir!" With that, I earned my first punishment for failing to complete the task. Master warned me to finish the shaving and be smooth or a second punishment will be given. I proceeded to shave my ass crack all over again making sure no hair is left behind. Master watched as I bend and twist myself to ensure my ass is fully shaved smooth. Once finished, I quickly got down to the bending display. This time, all was good!
I was given 5 minutes to shower, empty myself and get dry. Then I will stand in the living room for the next order. At the coffee table, I could see a few new black markers and alphabet stencils. I could imagine was going to happen next; some kind of marking on my body. Master came over with the stencils and positioned it on my chest trying to figure out the best position to mark. Master was using ballpoint pen to mark positions on my chest and my upper back. After that, I was ordered to put on the shorts from the couch. It was a pair of jeans shorts. I put it on and stand back at parade rest. Master proceeded to make more markings just above the jeans, below my navel and on my lower back. "Strip off boy" was the next command. Master had be standing naked again and had a few more markings to complete above my crotch.
Master took one of the new markers and showed it to me. These are permanent ink markers. Now, the stencil was pressed firmly on my chest, starting above my left tits. From the feel of marker outline, I could tell it was a big 'S'. Master did not go lightly with the marker as there was repeated drawing almost like painting the 'S' on my chest repeatedly. Then the next letter was the 'L'. It was followed by the letter 'A'. By that time, it dawn on me that the word 'SLAVE' is being painted on my chest.
Below the navel, looks like a long word was planned. When the first letter was drawn, I knew what the word was. It will be 'PROPERTY'. I took a long while to complete as the drawing sensation was bordering to ticklish though I was not to move and to look straight ahead. Master took a few steps to admire his artwork. I could see the evil grin on his face. 'Looks great on you boy! Makes no doubt about who you are now. Let's continue....we are not finish here yet!" Next up was another marking below 'PROPERTY'. First up was the hatch sign '#' based on the drawing movements. Master then explained that there will be a 2 digit number which I will need to guess. This guess will determine the welcome spanking which every slave the Master has trained will received. Though I was warned that a correct guess will not mean the welcome spanking is spared! I quickly blurted a number '45'. Master just smiled and showed me a number written on a paper prior. It was '68'. Master just smiled and continued with his number drawing on me. When the front was done, Master proceeded to draw the words on my back. The words 'SLAVE' and 'PROPERTY' was repeated.
When all was completed, Master made some rules regarding the markings. Slave will not attempt to scrub or remove the markings during the entire duration. Care must be taken during shower to ensure markings do not degrade. All letters and numbers must be kept dark and highly visible. Failure to follow will result in disciplinary action. By now, I'm standing on display listening to the rules while Master is relaxing at couch enjoying the nakedness of the slave property #68 on display.
8 Jul 2016
Training Session - Part 1
This is my imagination of what a slave training will be like. This can be done to me as a slave and can be done to you, if you want to be my slave.
After chatting with a Master for at least month, it was time to meet Master for the real thing. We met up at the pre-agreed location and time. From there it was short walk to Master's training place. Entering Master's place signifies total agreement that from that point onwards I'm a slave, owned and controlled until training session is complete.
Standing in front of Master, I removed my watch and wallet. Then I was reminded to silent my phone. I put everything in a bag Master provided and handed it over to Master. Slave is ordered to assume the 'Parade Rest' position when presenting in a standing position to Master. What is 'Parade Rest': legs slightly apart, both hands straight behind the back, right palm on left palm resting on the backside, head straight up and looking straight ahead. Slave will assume this position at all times unless instructed otherwise.
Now I was ordered to remove my shoes and socks and put them neatly beside the entrance door. Next, slave will remove the tshirt, fold it neatly and hand it to Master. Once back at parade rest, Master ordered slave's jeans to be removed. It will be folded neatly and handed to Master. Now standing almost naked, Master reminded that slaves are not allowed any form of underwear. Slave will also learn what is 'pants down'. When ordered to 'pants down', slave will immediately hold the waistband on each side and in one swift motion pull straight down your pants to your ankles. Do you understand, slaveboy? "Yes Sir!" I answered. "Now, pants down!" Master ordered. I got hold of my underwear waistband and pulled it all the way down. Master was not impressed as it was not done in a swift manner. I had to pull up my underwear and repeated the pants down from a parade rest position. This time, I managed to get it right and Master said "Good boy. You are learning fast". At last, I handed over my underwear to Master.
Now standing at parade rest, totally naked. I could feel Master's eyes scanning me all over. Master continued to speak and reminded that a 'pants down' order must be followed methodically in swiftness and at once. Any hesitation or tardiness is ground for punishments. This could be applied to all other circumstances. The slave is expected to give total obedience and show utmost interest and effort to all orders. Next, slave was taught how to stand on display. Slave will stand with legs wider than shoulder width, approximately 2feet apart. Hands will be clasped behind the head with upper arms wide open and elbows wide out pointing to the side. Head up and looking straight ahead. Bend at the knee slightly by lowering the body. Finally, while maintaining the position, spread upper thighs further by moving knee sideways to ensure full exposure of the crotch/groin areas.
There I was standing on display for a good 10minutes while Master inspect the slaveboy. Master asked whether I have everything on properly display. I agreed but Master disagreed while grabbing my pubes. Slaveboys are not entitled to any pubes...armpit, tits, treasure trails, crotch, balls and ass must be hairless and I said 'Yes Sir!' in agreement. Next up, is another position to learn. This is the bending display. Slave will be required to spread legs wide apart and bend down all the way until both palms are flat on the floor. Palms will be shoulder width apart and position as close to a straight line with the feet while keeping arms and legs straight. Slave will keep the head up with eyes looking down on the floor slightly above and between both palms. Slave will keep still in this position and both eyes looking straight at the floor. Slave is strictly forbidden to bend head down to look backwards or lift up to look forward. Eyes on the floor below regardless of what is happening around. From the standing display, I assumed the bending display. As my ass was pointing away from Master's view, Master had me turned around and assume the bending position closer to the chair he was seated on. With Master seated comfortably, I presented my ass to him for further inspection.
to be continued....
After chatting with a Master for at least month, it was time to meet Master for the real thing. We met up at the pre-agreed location and time. From there it was short walk to Master's training place. Entering Master's place signifies total agreement that from that point onwards I'm a slave, owned and controlled until training session is complete.
Standing in front of Master, I removed my watch and wallet. Then I was reminded to silent my phone. I put everything in a bag Master provided and handed it over to Master. Slave is ordered to assume the 'Parade Rest' position when presenting in a standing position to Master. What is 'Parade Rest': legs slightly apart, both hands straight behind the back, right palm on left palm resting on the backside, head straight up and looking straight ahead. Slave will assume this position at all times unless instructed otherwise.
Now I was ordered to remove my shoes and socks and put them neatly beside the entrance door. Next, slave will remove the tshirt, fold it neatly and hand it to Master. Once back at parade rest, Master ordered slave's jeans to be removed. It will be folded neatly and handed to Master. Now standing almost naked, Master reminded that slaves are not allowed any form of underwear. Slave will also learn what is 'pants down'. When ordered to 'pants down', slave will immediately hold the waistband on each side and in one swift motion pull straight down your pants to your ankles. Do you understand, slaveboy? "Yes Sir!" I answered. "Now, pants down!" Master ordered. I got hold of my underwear waistband and pulled it all the way down. Master was not impressed as it was not done in a swift manner. I had to pull up my underwear and repeated the pants down from a parade rest position. This time, I managed to get it right and Master said "Good boy. You are learning fast". At last, I handed over my underwear to Master.
Now standing at parade rest, totally naked. I could feel Master's eyes scanning me all over. Master continued to speak and reminded that a 'pants down' order must be followed methodically in swiftness and at once. Any hesitation or tardiness is ground for punishments. This could be applied to all other circumstances. The slave is expected to give total obedience and show utmost interest and effort to all orders. Next, slave was taught how to stand on display. Slave will stand with legs wider than shoulder width, approximately 2feet apart. Hands will be clasped behind the head with upper arms wide open and elbows wide out pointing to the side. Head up and looking straight ahead. Bend at the knee slightly by lowering the body. Finally, while maintaining the position, spread upper thighs further by moving knee sideways to ensure full exposure of the crotch/groin areas.
There I was standing on display for a good 10minutes while Master inspect the slaveboy. Master asked whether I have everything on properly display. I agreed but Master disagreed while grabbing my pubes. Slaveboys are not entitled to any pubes...armpit, tits, treasure trails, crotch, balls and ass must be hairless and I said 'Yes Sir!' in agreement. Next up, is another position to learn. This is the bending display. Slave will be required to spread legs wide apart and bend down all the way until both palms are flat on the floor. Palms will be shoulder width apart and position as close to a straight line with the feet while keeping arms and legs straight. Slave will keep the head up with eyes looking down on the floor slightly above and between both palms. Slave will keep still in this position and both eyes looking straight at the floor. Slave is strictly forbidden to bend head down to look backwards or lift up to look forward. Eyes on the floor below regardless of what is happening around. From the standing display, I assumed the bending display. As my ass was pointing away from Master's view, Master had me turned around and assume the bending position closer to the chair he was seated on. With Master seated comfortably, I presented my ass to him for further inspection.
to be continued....
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